

2020『星の巡礼 志賀の里歳時記』Ⅰ

『2020志賀の里・歳時記』 Ⅰ (1月1日~5月19日)

2020 Shiga-no-Sato Glossary of seasonal words (for haiku poets)









ここに、<2020志賀の里 歳時記>を書き加え、令和2年を締めくくりたい。


2020 (Reiwa 2) was the year of the plague that started with the coronavirus and ended with the coronavirus. The village of Shiga is a depopulated area, but the nearby Lake Biwa Valley is a lively mountain that attracts tourists from all over the country. There is no end to the people who come to escape from the Three Cs of Corona and get into the fresh air and nature. We pray that we can overcome the plague as soon as possible and return to a life that loves nature. It was a year of enduring at the expense of everything. I want to honor each other.


I would like to add <2020 Shiga's Saijiki> here to finish the second year of Reiwa.

“Saijiki” is a glossary of seasonal terms for haiku composers.



■2020_01_01   2020(令和2年)1月1日 元旦








                                           2020年 元旦  後藤實久




 ■2020_01_11 満月のもと美酒に酔い漢詩を吟ず

Under the full moon, get drunk with sake and sing Chinese poetry



美酒「越乃寒梅」の熱燗に酔い、鯖街道踏破の途次 昨初冬の






For the past few days, the first full moon of Reiwa 2(2020) has been smiling at the peaks of Mts.Hira and Suzuka. Drunk with the hot sake of the sake "Koshinokanbai", the process of traversing the Saba Kaido ( Japanese ancient trekking road). in the early winter of last year,the five-word Chinese poetry "Suigesshu" that was sung at the Hanase Pass under the full moon. Enjoyed it.



          漢詩《酔月酒》  後藤實久作


         凛月下初冬    凛として 月下の初冬

      酔美酒独酌    独り酌み 美酒に酔ふ

      濡頬落流星    落ち来る 流星頬濡し

      了鯖道共仏    仏と共に 鯖街道了る


           りんとして げっかのしょとう

           ひとりくみ びしゅうによう

           おちくるりゅうせい ほほぬらし

           みほとけとともに さばかいどうおえる







■2020_01_28  手書き便に薫る墨の匂いがいい

The smell of ink scented on handwritten flights is so nice.


《 手書き便 蝋梅愛でつ 想ふ君 》

  -てがきびん ろうばいめでつ おもふきみー




I rarely see the charcoal-scented news from handwriting and brushstrokes. It is also an old man's pleasure to find such a piece and enjoy the way of life of my friend.


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「 謹賀新年 凛と生き 矍鑠を祈る 」

 ―きんがしんねん りんといき かくしゃくをいのるー





(矍鑠―かくしゃく― 年をとっても丈夫で元気なさま) 


While loving the plum blossoms in the garden,
I am reading back a handwritten greeting card from my friend.
He is telling me even if you get older, you are a durable, healthy old man.




■2020_02_06  雪の精 Snow Fairy




Fluffy and snow spirits come down from heaven. The long-awaited first snow and winter scenery of Shiga-no- Sato.


《 出会いてや 夢受け止めし 雪の精 》

     ーであいてや ゆめうけとめし ゆきのせいー




When I was looking up at the snow dance falling from the heavens, I would been opening

a little bit of my mouth.  And then the spirit of the snow would come in, the body temperature of the cold snow would be transmitted. It is a moment to enjoy happiness.


《 たわわなる 白き重みの 老いの背や 》

    -たわわなる しろきおもみの おいのせやー


初雪の重みにたわむ樹木の枝葉が、あたかも老いた自分の背に見えてくる。 その曲線に何とも言えない親近感を覚え、いつまでも温かい背中のシルエットを眺めていたものである。


The branches and leaves of a tree that flex under the weight of the first snow appear as if they were my old back.  I felt an intimacy with the curve and I was kept looking at the warm back silhouette.






■2020_02_13   時が過ぎるのは早いものである。

Time goes by so quickly.


《 君想ひ 流離うままに 暮れし日々 

       沈みし残り香 時を見つめし 》

  ―きみおもひ さすらうままに くれしひび 

            しずみしのこりが ときをみつめし―




Thinking of the deceased is like passing the time, wandering, and grabbing the remaining incense.




Today is the 21st Memorial Day for a loved one. I want to decorate the grave with flowers and remember her all day long.






■2020_03_07 『星の巡礼 淡路島一周サイクリング老人の旅』

<Awaji Island Cycling Old Man's Journey>



タイムレースもいいが、風に遊び、雲に導かれ、海と語り、テントを張り、天の川に泳ぎ、俳句を作り、詩吟を吟じる。そして火をおこし、熱いコーヒーを流し込む・・・ロマンチックな2泊3日のサイクリングの旅に出かけてきた。 お互い体を鍛え、コロナに備えよう。


《 国生みの たどりし淡路 爺の春 》     

    ―くにうみの たどりしあわじ じじのはるー


Awaji Island is an island of mythology <national birth> that appears in Kojiki. Time race is good, but playing in the wind, being guided by clouds, talking to the sea, setting up tents, swimming in the Milky Way, writing haiku, and singing poetry. I set fire and pour hot coffee. I went on a romantic two-night, three-day cycling trip. We train each other and prepare for the corona Virus.





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2020『星の巡礼 淡路島一周サイクリング老人の旅』①




■2020_03_20   蓬莱山雪中キャンプを楽しむ

Enjoy snow camp on Mt. Horai




When the magnolias bloom, I am climbing Mt. Horai looking forward to camping in the snow. There was extremely little snow this year, and although the slopes of the Lake Biwa Valley and the people were sparse due to the influence of the coronavirus, I was fascinated by the beautiful dusk of nature and the constellations shining in the night sky. Immediately before the tent was blown away by the strong wind (experienced wind pressure 30) at midnight after sneaking into the sleeping bag, I was suddenly evacuated and was hit by the happening of withdrawing from the mountain at midnight relying on the headlamps. I was a little excited about the precious experience of many years of mountaineering.


《 咆哮の 怯え縮みし 春嵐 》

―ほうこうの おびえちぢみし はるあらしー



It was a night that I felt to be scared of a spring storm when I stayed in a tent on the top of Mt. Horai



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             比良山系 蓬莱山頂の落日と地蔵尊





■2020/04/29 『星の巡礼 シルクロード踏破16000㎞日記』後編

 <タシュクルガン/中国 ⇒ ペシャワールパキスタン

  Silk Road traversal 16000km diary Part 2

   <Tashkurgan / China Peshawar / Pakistan>


 コロナウイルスとのながいお付き合いになりそうである。自宅待機の時間を生かして森の再生に汗を流しながら、『星の巡礼 シルクロード踏破16000㎞日記』を整理し、パミール高原を越えカラコルムハイウエーをバスで走った<中国/タシュクルガン ⇒ ペシャワール/パキスタン>間の日記を書き上げてみた。

It is likely to be a long-term relationship with the coronavirus. Taking advantage of the time spent waiting at home, while working hard to regenerate the forest, I organized the "Star Pilgrimage Silk Road 16000km Diary" and ran the Karakorum Highway over the Pamir Plateau by bus <China / Tashkurgan ⇒ Peshawar / Pakistan > I wrote a diary between them.


《 おさまらぬ コロナ踊りや 過ぎし春 》

    ーおさまらぬ ころなおどりや すぎしはるー



Spring has passed before the corona turmoil has subsided.




We look forward to seeing each other in good spirits, enduring the plague that cherishes our bodies and shakes humankind. We are fine in Shiga-no-Sato. The photo is at the Khyber Pass on the Pakistan / Afghanistan border.



           アフガニスタン ハイバル峠にてガイドと


 shiganosato-gotoの日記 (



■2020_05_05  コロナに負けじと風に舞う鯉のぼり

A carp streamer that dances in the wind, losing to Coronavirus


《 暗き世も 泳ぎ切るらん のぼり鯉 》

    ―くらきよも およぎきるらん のぼりこいー





The world is feeling dark now because of coronaviruses, but carp streamers (children) will be able to swim well in the sky.







■2020_05_06  コロナわれ関せずと葱坊主は独り坐禅

    Coronavirus is zazen alone without being involved





《 疫病に 独り坐禅や 葱坊主 》

 ―えきびょうに ひとりざぜんや ねぎぼうずー


In this world, the plague of coronavirus has been a cause of noise, but the green onions of our family are self-sufficient without any concern.






■2020_05_07  コロナに負けじと溝掃除

No losing to Coronavirus and cleaning the ditch


《 梅雨入りや コロナ追いやる 溝掃除 》

    ―つゆいりや ころなおいやる みぞそうじー




Experts and the White House have announced that the unknown new coronavirus, which we have a deep relationship with, is weak in high temperature and humidity, especially sunlight. Japan is approaching the rainy season and enters the summer. I sweated to clean the ditch in hopes of ending the plague as early as possible.






■2020_05_10 母の日に寄せて

For Mother's Day




《 母慕ふ 小鹿の千鳥 怪しげや 

        振り返し笑み いまだ忘れじ 》

  ―ははしたう こじかのちどり あやしげや 

           ふりかえしえみ いまだわすれじー


My mother, the beloved mother of our brothers and sisters, celebrated her 20th year of Mother's Day after calling, and the days when she protected the little fawns with her hands are nostalgic and full of gratitude.






■Facebook2020_05_16 義父94歳の誕生を祝って

Celebrating the birth of my father-in-law, 94 years old






《 慈しみ 義父の育てし 庭木刈る 

         朽ちて老梅 子梅遺せし》

   -いつくしみ ちちのそだてし にわきかる 

              くちてろうばい こうめのこせしー


As my father-in-law he grew older, instead of who is living in a nursing home and has been pruning the garden tree of his house in mountain village.
All the trees are grown by his love and kindness, and among them, the old tree of plum exposes itself to the front door.  Look closely, the arms of a youthful plum on it is growing.

I was deeply moved by the love that took over new life.


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■2020/05/19  コロナウイルスからの経済回復

Economic recovery from coronavirus (in Chinese market)



1月23日 武漢都市封鎖

3月20日 アマゾン通販で<AC/DC 変換アダプター>注文


4月8日  武漢封鎖解除

5月18日 注文商品受領

I was watching the speed of economic recovery from China's declaration of the end of the coronavirus, but I was surprised to see the recovery of the economic system unexpectedly quickly. I think it will be a prospect for the recovery of the Japanese economy in the future.


《 春風に 森の妖精 謳いあげ 

       鋸に和してや コロナ散せし 》

  ―はるかぜに もりのようせい うたいあげ 

             のこにわしてや ころなちらせしー


コロナウイルスによるステイホームの間、森の再生作業を終え、デッキの改修に取組み、ヨモギ餅づくりを楽しみながらブログ「星の巡礼 シルクロード踏破16000㎞日記⑤―パキスタン編」を仕上げた。


During the stay home with coronavirus, I finished the forest regeneration work, worked on the deck repair, and finished the blog " Pilgrimage of Star: “Silk Road Crossing 16000 km diary ⑤-Pakistan edition" while enjoying making mugwort rice cake.








      『2020志賀の里・歳時記』 Ⅱ 
